MME 235 Calendar

My Courses

MME 235: Heat and Mass Transfer

Course Description

Thermal properties of materials. Basic modes of heat transfer. Steady and unsteady state conduction. Numerical solutions of conduction equations. Blackbody radiation. Radiation from real surfaces, view factors. Radiation exchange. Mechanism of convective heat transfer, estimation of convective heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer from liquid metals. Heat transfer with phase change. Mechanism of mass transfer. Application of heat transfer in materials and metallurgical processes.

Course Goals:

  1. To provide students with a basic understanding of engineering heat transfer,       including the physics underlying the three modes of heat transfer: conduction,       convection and radiation.
  2. To give students the ability to perform analysis and design calculations involving       all three modes for a wide variety of practical situations.
  3. To make the students familiar to the heat transfer problems related to materials       processing or in-service performance.
  4. To provide a bridge from the basic science and math courses predominant in the       early curriculum to the engineering design courses of the upper years.

Students' Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Understand the rudiments of conduction, convection and radiation, Newton's       Law of cooling and the Stefan-Boltzman Law.
  2. Recognize when a one-dimensional conduction model is adequate and be able to       solve such problems using analytical means; e.g., by solving a differential       equation or applying a network model, where appropriate.
  3. Apply numerical methods to transient one-dimensional and steady-state two-      dimensional problems including deriving the appropriate heat balance equations       for a representative volume for both cases.
  4. Interpret graphical representations of conduction solutions.
  5. Understand the concept of DC electrical network analogies for steady-state and       transient conduction.
  6. Understand the physics underlying both the forced and free convection       processes and have an appreciation for the effects of various fluid properties       and flow parameters on that process.
  7. Apply emprical and analytical corrections for external and internal forced and       free convection.
  8. Apply standard techniques for finding the radiative exchange among opaque       surfaces, including the determination of viewfactors from charts and use of the       DC networks model for radiative exchange among black and gray surfaces.

Classroom Decorum:

  Students must turn off all cell phones before entering class. In addition students   will be expected to dress and act professionally in the class room environment.

Course Evaluation:

  Grades of the course will be determined from the following:

            Class Tests & Assignments      20%
            Attendance                          10%
            Final Exam                            70%

  N.B:   Four class tests are scheduled during the semester. Additional one             class test can be scheduled if the students requests for it earlier.

Please Give Feedback to: nsiddique@mme.buet.ac.bd


Course Tutor:
Md. Noor-E-Alam Siddique

Course Meeting Time

Three sessions/week
1 hour/session


Level-2, Term-2


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Last updated:  05 May 2009